Off-Grid System
In a nut shell off-grid system generates electricity for consumption and stores the excess energy when it is needed. However, the off-grid system is more expensive than grid-tie system depending on the number of kilowatt hours of battery storage. At New Era we offer two main types of battery solutions which are project specific. These types are dry and wet cell battery.
Grid-tie Systems
The grid-tie system is when one uses a combination of both the green energy and utility station( Power station). This occurs simultaneously with little to no interruption in the feed of electricity to the particular entity. Hence when the green energy source is not enough or gone completely, the grid or power station will takeover. Earn credit towards your utility bill when the green energy supply is more than the grid energy supply. This setup is similar to the off-grid system the difference is the absence of the battery bank.
Hybrid System
The Hybrid System as you may already suspect is a combination of both the Off-Grid and Grid-tie System. This makes Battery or utility backup very convenient is numerous situations. This System is also idea for implementing a 24/7 365 days continuous uninterrupted electrical supply. Critical facilities which require 100% up time such as Hospitals, Banks, Airports, Telecommunications, Hotels, just to name a few will benefit greatly from this system.